Sunday, 25 March 2012

How to Keep Your Blog Community Growing ?

This is a Guest Post by John Edget
Blogging, like every other business in life needs social proof to keep it growing. Have you ever wondered why your blog that gets thousands of monthly visits does not make as much as other blogs that gain less visits than yours? For your blog to drive in a reasonable amount of money as income revenue it has to gain a substantial amount of visits either from search engines or from site referrals. However, it’s not only your visitors that matters in how much you’ll make from your blog. In fact, there are countless of other things that matters. The only source of income that is dependent on the quantity of visitors you get to your blog is adsense revenue. This is because more visitors equal more clicks and more clicks, more money.
Grow Blog Community How to Keep Your Blog Community Growing ?

Since, a full time blogger or any blogger that wants to make more money from his/her blog should not rely on his adsense revenue alone, you have to consider other means of making more money and how those other means will go in hand with your blog.
What has that got to do with My Blog Community?
Let’s say you want people to come and pay you to display their adverts on your blog, you will setup a sidebar widget that leaves square boxes shouting ‘See Your Adverts Here’, and people will contact you. Is it really that easy? No!
People that want to display their adverts on your blog need to know that they are not about to waste their money. As far as I am concerned I’m the only one on your blog. This applies to every other hundreds of visitors on your blog on a single hour. Now you have to convince them that it’s not so. You have to show them that they are not the only ‘one’s reading your blog but there are several others.
One simple way to do this is by putting your community section on motion, engaging your readers in thought provoking comment posting and/or arguments.
Visit Other Blogs and Leave Trails of Yourself
Why stay in the dark when you can achieve more by visiting other blogs and grow your blog community by commenting on them? You already know that the social proof your blog needs to convince your readers that they can count on you is the amount of comments on your blog. Share your comment on other blogs and they will also share theirs on yours.
The more blogs you comment on, the more bloggers will be willing to share their comments on your blog.
Compensate Every Commenter
Before someone will devout his/her two minutes to read your blog post because he or she wants to contribute to your blog community, he or she will have to think about what he gains in return. Why should someone comment on your blog when he has nothing in return for it?
How can you compensate your commenter? Give them valuable content. Install Commentluv for WordPress on your blog.
It’s not necessary to use commentluv because, apparently, on my blog where I talk about weight watchers and diet to go coupons, I currently don’t have the option for commentluv but anyone that reads my blog post will want to leave a comment. But it’s highly recommended to use commentluv because this attracts bloggers more.

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