Sunday, 25 March 2012

An Opportunity to Connect

This is a Guest Post by Jack Lundee.
Next time you register your own blog or website, keep in mind that if your voice, products or services are significant enough, you’ll eventually want to limit the number of e-mails that you receive to whichever e-mail you register with. It’s a common theme amongst the blogosphere to register privately because of spam, unsubstantial newsletters and press releases.
Yet, it’s also a common matter amongst bloggers to connect and engage with professionals in the same market. With communities like Google+, Facebook and Twitter competing for web dominance, it’s becoming more evident that personalization along with web interaction ultimately effects how we market our products, services or writings. With these platforms comes an opportunity to foster real human interaction and promote both short-term and viable conversion.
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Just because your web registration is set to private doesn’t mean you should ignore your subscribers or fans. Take the time to incorporate a FB, Twitter and Google+ account so that you can more effectively:
1)   Communicate with consumers
2)   Provide detailed information about events, upcoming products or services
3)   Reach a broader, more long-tail audience
4)   Open up a easier way to let people discuss action items and provide feedback and testimonials
5)   Let people know you’re a real person
6)   Share your location, interests and goals
7)   Receive guest submissions
And it’s not just an opportunity to hear what others are saying; it’s also a chance to let other’s know what you think about their work. Similarly, you can
:8)   Provide valuable insight
9)   Apply your current values and principles to other’s and promote partnership
10) Supply free samples
11)  Attend events, webinars and open meetings
12)  Discover new interests and perhaps alter your current vision.

In the end, it really comes down to presenting yourself as an authority in your industry. Most think of social media outlets like Facebook and Twittter as if they are backyard barbeques, but in reality, they’re both an excellent source for information and wonderful marketing portals.
Taking a few extra hours to explore some of the ways in which you can engage and connect with fans, followers, consumers and others in similar fields will help your campaign or project immensely, despite your lack of traditional contact information (i.e. – email).
And you can utilize multiple isolated social media pages to target specific people or groups. Take the CGI (Clinton Global Initiative) for example. They have a dedicated FB page for discussing upcoming projects, events and charitable news. Yet, former President Clinton, Doug Band and many of the advisors have their own personal fan pages. So they’re actually providing credentials in more than one way, which again is greatly beneficial.

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Even linkedIn is becoming more interactive, presenting users with a chance to employ company pages and share and discuss company trends, news and more. This is all made possible with their latest “Groups” feature. It actually mimics that of a forum, but not just in one particular vertical. There are many top level, categorical options for either starting your own group, company or discussion, or perhaps engaging in a pre-existing one. The more you voice, promote and discover, the more trusted and authoritative you’ll become.
Try thinking of all these various outlets as biography pages. Many of them allow you to insert some of the most personal information while also allowing for privacy. Supplemental to authorship, they give many different ways to communicate and share. In the end, connection, engagement and conversion if what every blogger wants to achieve, and these are certainly the most contemporary and practical means for doing all three.

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