Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Protect Your Online Rights with Chilling Effects

Home-based and other small business owners who are trying to make an honest name for themselves as well as an honest living are all too often the victim of aggressive and even unlawful bullying by larger companies who may feel even remotely threatened by their activities for a whole host of reasons. Sometimes even something as simple as the use or style of one letter in a smaller company’s name or logo can set a whole chain of cease and desist activities in motion by a larger company, leaving the little guy feeling alone, outgunned and with little choice other than to give in.
Well not anymore!
Thanks to Chilling Effects, a joint project of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and a number of very prominent universities, you now have a free resource and an active helping hand in understanding and putting to good use the First Amendment and intellectual property laws that protect you from unlawful efforts to silence your online activities. Recently featured in a Wall Street Journal article, entitled “New Tool in Trademark Fights,”Chilling Effects is having a very real positive impact on protecting the rights of small business owners nationwide by exposing baseless threats and “shaming” larger companies into taking closer account of their actions. As a result, entrepreneurs have negotiating leverage and other benefits in these instances that they never had before.
If you'd like to learn more about your intellectual property rights or if you've received a Cease & Desist notice and don't know where to turn, go to today and get the help you need.

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