Sunday, 25 March 2012

Tweak title tag in blogspot for better SEO

Blogspot is a cool place to start a blog of your own for free. But Blogspot is often criticised for being poor in SEO perspective. Other blogging platforms like wordpress provide in depth options for improving SEO and thus blogs hosted there often excels in search engine rankings as compared to blogspot hosted blogs. But fortunately there are some tricks which can help you improve SEO of your blogspot blog.

Adjust title tag blogspot Tweak title tag in blogspot for better SEO
The first step to improve Blogspot SEO is adjusting the title tags in Blogspot and we will be discussing this in this post. By default, blogspot blogs have post’s title of the form ‘Blog Name – Post Title‘. You can see this by going to any of your post’s page and checking the title in your browser’s title bar. This is what will be shown in the Search Engine Result Page and also it is how Search Engines like Google will read your post’s title. But it is never suggested to use this format of displaying your title tags as your keywords will come after the blog name and thus will be given less priority by search engines.
The right way to display title tags is ‘Post Name – Blog Name‘ and it is very easy to achieve this in blogspot.

How to adjust Title Tag in Blogspot ?

Just follow the following simple steps to adjust title tags in blogspot :
1. Login to
2. Go to ‘Design’ and then click ‘Edit HTML’.
3. Backup your template (this is optional but highly recommended).
4. Now find the following lines of code (using ctrl + F) :

5. Now replace the above code with the following :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> |
6. Now save the template.
You are done now. Check any of your post’s page now and you will see the format ‘Post name | Blog Name’ in your browser’s title bar and within some days (after re-crawling) search engines will also start showing your blog posts in this format in the search results. That’s it. Now you have a keyword rich and fully SEO optimized title.

Hope you liked this tip.
Have you tweaked your title in blogspot? Are you facing any problem adjusting your title tag?  Do share in comments.

1 comment:

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